The Genomic Kitchen offers you a wealth of online instruction to help you understand and use culinary genomics every day for a lifetime of health. Combining the power of your master genes – as explored through cutting edge science – with proper cooking techniques and invaluable shopping and menu planning advice, our courses will transform how you choose and enjoy food while promoting your long-term health. All our courses include detailed handouts, educational tools and recipes to get you started. Our courses also include the opportunity to join a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and chat with other students.
Choose our Genomic Kitchen Express course if you want to get all the science, tools, recipes and culinary know how in 4 hours.
If you’re looking for a deeper dive and even richer learning experience, choose our Genomic Kitchen Fundamentals course. With more than 12 hours of recordings, bonus materials and sessions and a bigger toolbox of resources, this course will teach you all you need to know about how to cook the language and flavor of your DNA.
Ready to get started?